Springdale Education Center
> Case Management
Springdale Education Center provides extensive case management and advocacy services for all students. Upon enrollment to the school, a case manager is assigned who follows all the needs of the student. Case managers work closely with parents and other providers to insure that communication between the school, home and other community environments is as seamless as possible. Case managers assist in advocating for and securing services that may be needed by the student.
> Clinical
Springdale Education Center provides a comprehensive clinical services department including individual psychotherapy by licensed clinicians, group therapy, psychoeducation groups 4 days per week, family therapy as needed, psychiatric consultation when possible, consistent nursing services, daily clinical check-ins, on-site clinician at all times for emergency services.
Some of the psyhcoeducation and speciality therapy groups offered include but are not limited to:
- pro-social skills development
- conflict resolution
- fire safety education /fire school
- cognitive restructuring
- substance abuse prevention
- violence prevention/anger management
- health and hygiene
- social pragmatics
- animal care
- healthy sexuality
> Behavioral
Springdale Education Center is a highly structured setting designed to provide a safe learning environment for all students. SEC's behavioral program consists of clear routines and limits as we promote prosocial behaviors, responsible decision-making and personal self-respect. We enforce a zero tolerance policy towards disrespectful, dangerous or anti-social behaviors and attitudes.
SEC's behavioral component is rooted in cognitive-behavioral programming that teaches students to take responsibility for their actions. All staff, and students alike, are thoroughly trained in relapse prevention dynamics, thinking errors principles and the use of natural and logical consequences. SEC utilizes a state-of -the art de-escalation program to significantly reduce the need for physical restraint. SEC's program has been highly effective in stabilizing disruptive behaviors.
> Ancillary
Given the complex learning and emotional needs of our students, Springdale Education Center provides additional services to our students as directed by their Individualized Education Plans. We employ highly qualified and licensed professionals. Our standard list of ancillary services includes:
- Guidance Counseling
- Speech and Language Assessments and Therapy
- Occupational Therapy Assessment and Therapy
- Physical Therapy Assessment and Therapy
- Recreational Therapy
- Psychological Assessment
- Psychiatric Consultation, Assessment and Services
- Continuous Nursing Services